Expat Aussie filmmakers band together

Apr 1, 2020
Sonia Borella, Colin Gibson and Jamie Hilton. (IF magazine)

Expat Aussie filmmakers band together

Hilton pays tribute to the teams at Spectrum Films, Cumulus VFX Studios and others who are working remotely.

Extract from an article in IF magazine written by Don Groves.

Expat Australian filmmakers in Los Angeles and London are coping as best they can through the COVID-19 pandemic, including supporting each other.

“Accessing creativity takes being in a state of security and there’s a lot going on so I took a few weeks to just do what everyone else was doing – madly refreshing news websites, looking at too much social media, focusing on keeping our family healthy and adapting to a new lifestyle that we could be in for a while.

“We’ve now reached a routine where we tag-team writing with entertaining our toddler. Through video calls we’re staying in close contact with our Aussie friends over here and thinking of everyone back home who has been affected.”

“Going through this while so far from home has certainly been made easier by staying in touch with other Aussies who are in the same situation. In fact, my wife and I are now living a few streets away from Zak and Ali, and even though we can’t see them, we do text regularly to touch base and share tips about which stores actually have stock of hard-to-come-by essentials, like toilet paper.”

Hilton pays tribute to the teams at Spectrum Films, Cumulus VFX Studios, Heckler, Sonar and Soundfirm who are working remotely.

“Post production folk are used to working in isolation so they are the best equipped of all of us, and of course writers generally prefer to communicate, if they have to, virtually,” he says.

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